
Objectives of the „Nigeria Green & Clean“ project

OBJECTIVES OF THE „Nigeria Green and Clean“ PROJECT Environmental Protection and Promotion of Women’s Employment in Nigeria. The project „Nigeria green and clean“ was presented by Dukaty property, s.r.o. and in our cooperation, with the aim of creating awareness about the importance of environmental protection and was founded with the idea of creating collection points

Ciele projektu “ Nigéria zelená a čistá „

CIELE PROJEKTU „Nigéria zelená a čistá“ Ochrana životného prostredia a podpora zamestnanosti žien v Nigérii. Projekt „Nigéria zelená a čistá“ bol predstavený firmou Dukaty property,s.r.o.  a v našej spolupráci, s cieľom vytvoriť povedomie o dôležitosti ochrany životného prostredia a bol založený s myšlienkou vytvoriť zberné miesta na plastové fľaše v štáte Delta v Nigérii


NIGERIA GREEN AND CLEAN OR WHY WE JOINED AN ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECT ? Nowadays, when the global environmental crisis is gaining momentum, it is increasingly important for non-profit organizations to actively cooperate in solving environmental problems. Concerns about environmental sustainability are constantly growing, so it is imperative that we actively engage in initiatives that promote environmental

I don’t help because …..

I don’t help because I have a lot, I help because I remember when I had nothing. Pictures of begging hungry children will impress you, but seeing the lives of poor children with your own eyes is something else entirely. Suddenly you are faced with the reality of their lives and the only thing that

Nigeria, a country of youth without a future?

Nigeria, a country of youth without a future? Nigeria, a country of youth without a future? Let’s change it together. When we started the ONETRIBE FOUNDATION project, one of our main goals was to support homeless children and support children from very poor families in Nigeria with one goal – to provide these children with