I don’t help because …..

I don’t help because I have a lot, I help because I remember when I had nothing.

Pictures of begging hungry children will impress you, but seeing the lives of poor children with your own eyes is something else entirely.
Suddenly you are faced with the reality of their lives and the only thing that runs through your mind is the question why?  You can ask yourself this question every day, and  you will not find an answer that would help at least somewhat mitigate the impact of their life situation on their own lives.
The idea of ​​creating a support program and foundation for children and youth has been with me for years.  You need to meet the right people who will introduce you to the issue so deeply that you will understand that any, even a little help is necessary and important.  Wooden huts with tin roofs, with access to water only somewhere on the street, electricity, if you’re lucky, then for a few hours a day, in remote areas or that, it is boiled in a wood or coal stove. Children running on dirt roads … although what we imagine under the word road is quite far from these roads.  It is as if you were walking somewhere among the fields, on a path full of potholes, pits and dust.
But how to get out of it?  How to mitigate the impact of politicians‘ lack of interest in children’s lives in their own country? Children and young people are the future of every country.  What will life look like in these countries if no attention is paid to children and young people in education? More important and much more effective than shaking your head at the bizarre decisions of politicians is to devote time and energy to things and projects that make real sense.
For us, one of them for this year is the creation of a project to support education and leisure activities.  Thanks to school and extracurricular activities, children have a chance for a much better quality of life and are highly likely not to live on the streets between theft and drugs due to education … Although many of the children have parents who are trying to grow at least something on their farms and sell  in the market, although many of the children have somewhere to sleep, many of them still do not have the funds to study.
Many times we encounter the fact of how dissatisfied we are with our own lives. Despite the fact that we basically lack nothing fundamental, we are often frustrated and unhappy about something.  We offer you the opportunity to look through our foundation at the lives of people and children, where waking up is a miracle and where people thank them for giving them another day. Look at life through the eyes of those who are daily faced with the question of survival. Real survival. Whether we are talking about a lack of food, finances, violence, anything we have certainly not encountered in our lives. We may not realize it, but we really have the opportunity to get to know life in other countries, to get to know other cultures and different ways of life, and thus to see our own from a different perspective. It is, of course, up to us whether we want to keep our eyes closed to the reality we see, or to open them and say that we will help.
On my travels, I have many times encountered the reality of poverty as it really is. And not only on my travel. As I mentioned, creating a foundation was in me a long time ago, but only the people whose life put me in my way gave me the strength and energy to make the idea a reality.
I met people who inspired me and constantly inspire and immensely enrich me.  With each of my major „problems,“ I think about what I solve in such an insurmountable way, and I remember the familiar „unless it’s about life, it’s about nothing.“  The more I see, the more I hear, the more I am interested in their lives, the more grateful I am for the life I have and the more determined and convinced that giving a chance for a better life to others is not only my duty but also my will.
I constantly wonder what the life of that person or child would look like if he had a chance to live in the conditions we have ?
There are more projects that we have developed. Because education is not just about visiting school. We also want to include projects related to so-called leisure activities, so that children and young people have the opportunity to find something they would like to do in one place. Build a basketball court, build a library, educate young people and children on environmental issues, as the issue of pollution in African countries is an absolute priority. I am not saying that we will change the whole world, I am saying that we can change the world, that is, the life and view of it, for many people, who in turn can change the lives of other people. Giving children and young people the opportunity to see life from another angle, teaching them that sports, reading, traveling or other activities are very important to them.
Giving at least a little hope and the opportunity to advance, educate or work is a big deal.  For many of these people, these things seem unattainable. Helping someone is something that will give you a different meaning in life.
Become the heroes of the lives of young people and children who, without our help together, cannot change their future. Believe that it makes sense. I met real heroes who, despite difficult conditions, constantly help not only their loved ones and families but also other children with whom life has not played so much, friends or old people, whom no one should help. The social system in many countries around the world does not work at all.  And whether we’re talking about education or health care, it’s mostly a question of finance.  Therefore, the phrase „even a little means a lot“ is a truth that we should remember and think that every coin donated can help.
Become a part of our ONETRIBE foundation project and help us, step by step, to change the lives of children and young people.
Education is the way to go.




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